Blog Post 4, Sprint 4

This sprint went quite well, and we did not stumble on any major issues. There was a concern pointed out by our professor which I will be going into detail and exploring near the end of this post. The majority of the work done on this sprint was improving upon existing assets. This ranged from everything from level, to scripts, mechanics, and even our entire scene loading system. Because of this, there's no fancy level to showcase in this sprint. Despite not all our work being clearly visible this time around, take pleasure in knowing we spent the same amount of effort and work on changes that improve the game. The first of the major mechanics we changed was regarding the player movement. This was pretty scarry as we already had six levels done, so altering anything regarding movement significantly could prove to make some of the levels unplayable and in need of a complete restructure. The reason we were looking into changing the movement system in the first pl...