Blog Post 2, Sprint 2
Sprint 2 for Bedtime Climb has just concluded! And I'm happy to say that overall things went quite smoothly. To briefly list the larger accomplishments we got done this sprint: Total completion of level 4 and block out of level 3, creation of our unique movement ability, and implementation of the Rising Danger concept. For the sake of efficiency and fear of over writing work, as a team we would only have one person working on a individual level at a time. Using this method for this sprint, we had Klyian focus primarily on scripts that would be used through out the game, such as the Dream Dash; and myself and Tony work on level design. The majority of work I was tasked with was surrounding level 4 and any mechanic tied directly to it. This ranged from heavily modifying the Rising Danger script built by the team to be able to work with more variables. Such as being able to set a customizable speed for the rising liquid, but also be able to have it accelerate thro...